Module: drivers/gateways/knx

This driver is used by the core/addresses module to communicate on the KNX bus via a KNX to IP gateway. It is a Javascript layer running on top of the knxd software (

Gateway parameters

The gateway parameters are defined in the gateway json (refer to core/gateways module)

	"id" : 5,  
	"name" : "knx ip",
	"description" : "...",
	"active" : 1,
	"driver": "knx"  // links to the knx driver.
	"json"  : {
		"host":"", // IP address of the knx IP gateway.
		"port":3671,    //port of the knx IP gateway
		"mode":"ipt",  // mode of connection to the knx IP gateway. 
					   // Possible values are 'ip', 'ipt' (ip tunneling), and 'iptn' (ip tunneling nat).
		"server":1     // Activate (1) or deactivate (0) the knxd IP multicast server. 
				       // This feature is useful to remotely connect to the KNX bus for maintenance, but creates multicast traffic on the LAN.
	"private_json" : {...} //this is not used by the driver. It can be used by any application to store custom information.

Address parameters

The main driver parameter is the KNX datatype. Here is an example of an KNX address as stored in the system.

	id: 23055,	//database id
	alias: null,  
	name: '4/7/25', // KNX group address
	description: null,
	json: {
		datatype : ' 3 bits with control (6 bits)'
		// the following datatypes are currently supported: 
		// '0.000 hexadecimal',
		// ' 1 bit (6 bits)',
		// ' 1 bit with priority control (6 bits)',
		// ' 3 bits with control (6 bits)',
		// ' character (8 bits)',
		// ' 1 byte unsigned (8 bits)',
		// '5.001 scaling, 1 byte unsigned (8 bits)',
		// '5.003 angle, 1 byte unsigned (8 bits)',
		// '5.004 percent, 1 byte unsigned (8 bits)',
		// ' 1 byte signed (8 bits)',
		// ' 2 bytes unsigned (16 bits)',
		// ' 2 bytes signed (16 bits)',
		// ' 2 bytes float (16 bits)',
		// '10.001 time (24 bits)',
		// ' date (24 bits)',
		// ' 4 bytes unsigned (32 bits)',
		// ' 4 bytes signed (32 bits)',
		// ' 4 bytes float (32 bits)',
		// ' 3 bytes unsigned (24 bits)',
		// ' string (112 bits)'
	gateway_id: 137

Address format

There is two types of KNX addresses :
  • Group addresses. Those are used to communicate information on the bus. Multiple sensors/actuators can communicate on the same group address. The address format is: [0-31]/[0-7]/[0-255] (e.g. 4/7/25 is a valid KNX group address)
  • Individual addresses. Those correspond to physical sensors/actuators. Those are generally not used by the supervision application, but by the KNX integrator in order to configure the physical devices. The address format is [0-15].[0-15].[0-255] (e.g. 3.3.1 is a valid individual KNX address)

Use Cases

The driver is used by the core/gateways module. Its methods should not be used directly by custom applications.

// Indirectly calls the write method of the KNX driver. It writes a group write packet on the KNX bus.
gateways.writeValue('14/7/25', 0)

// Sends on the bus a read request for the group address 14/7/25.
gateways.readValue('14/7/25', function(err,value){ 
	// when the sensors/actuators receive the read request, if those are configured to respond for group address 14/7/25, 
	// then they transmit their current value. When multiple devices reply to the read request, the driver returns the first response.
	// Here the decoded value should be 0.

// Gets from the system cache the last KNX value written on address 14/7/25. It does not write packets on the bus.
gateways.getLastValue('14/7/25', function(err,value){ ... })

// This sends a reboot command to the actuator/sensor with individual address 3.3.1
// It may be useful if the actuator/sensor is disfonctional and blocked in a faulty state.
gateways.writeValue('3.3.1', 'restart')